Growth, Gratitude, and Grit

My highest priority
In my recent blog, Get Back, I shared my observations on the Peter Jackson documentary. Since then, I have focused on defining my highest priority for 2022.
I want to keep it simple.
First, capture my intention with one word.
Then, develop a framework around both defining my vision for success and maintaining the focus needed to achieve it.
My highest priority in 2022 will be Growth.
I have identified three key areas I am going to work on. I want to:
- grow as a husband, father, uncle, and friend.
- develop my skills and knowledge as a Coach and Thinking Partner.
- grow and push myself to learn new skills and take more risks as a photographer.
As Carol Dweck describes it, I plan to bring a Growth Mindset to everything I do.
I have decided to integrate my approach to coaching with my love for photography. As a result, you will be seeing more of my images accompanying the blog and a few more photography analogies to illustrate a coaching point.
For example, the picture above is from Acadia National Park. I share it because it is an example of looking at the subject at different angles using lens filters to capture the subject matter a little differently and a bit more creatively.
Changing the lens
As I began to think about what it means to grow, I used every lens at my disposal:
- What did the photographer see or chose to include or not include in the scene?
- What choices did they make around angles?
- How did they capture the light?
- What do I want my final image to look like?
- What lenses and filters do I need to bring?
- What aperture, shutter speed, and ISO do I need to capture in the camera?
All of this parallels my coaching work with clients. First, it is all about understanding all of the challenges and opportunities available in the landscape in front of them. Next, together we explore what is possible as clients develop strategies and plans for what comes next. Finally, we evaluate progress made and reset when needed to achieve their desired outcomes.
Executing the plan
As a coach, my role may be to serve as an accountability partner for clients. We all can get stuck along the way in achieving the outcomes we desire. Some people can get stuck in goal setting and planning, while others can get stuck in the execution.
In my quest toward capturing an iconic image at Reflection Lake, the variable was the weather. As a result, my pursuit of this picture can best be described by lessons in patience, flexibility, and finally stepping up to the challenge of learning how to use tools like Photoshop better.
Mother Nature was not in a cooperative mood. Each day we left our motel at 4:00 am to capture the sunrise. The first few mornings were incredibly foggy, with mist on the lake and no mountain view. Finally, on day four, our patience and persistence were rewarded. Finally, we had a lake with a light mist and a big beautiful mountain.
While all of the elements for the scene were in place, the light was not optimal and the water a bit ripply, and as a result, the reflections, while visible, were not at the level of clarity, and the contrast was not as sharp as I would have hoped. Fortunately, these were challenges that I could overcome because I was prepared.
I was calm and relaxed. I walked along the path, scouting locations, and thought about the images I had seen in doing my planning in my mind’s eye. Unfortunately, the spot I was looking for that day was not optimal due to the conditions, so I kept on scouting until I found the location above.
My next step was to rework my plan and think about using the elements available to me that day to create my image. I was fortunate to be with a great group of people that shared an abundance mindset. I was able to talk to my fellow photographers about what I was seeing and what they were seeing. We compared the test shots we were getting and compared notes on the all-important camera settings!
Season to taste
As I was composing my image that morning, I really liked what I was seeing. I liked the position of the mountain in relation to the reflection. I also liked the arch created by the tree lines and the reflection on the lake, the sky, and the blue reflection in the water.
The next step for me and the most difficult was to do the post-processing. If you are familiar with my past blogs, you will note I am a big fan of Shirzad Chamine’s “Positive Intelligence. When it comes to post-processing of my images, I have VERY strong Avoider and Procrastinator saboteurs. I decided not to let my judge and saboteurs get the better of me this time.
I had my image! I had my plan! I traveled a long way, and I was determined. I have played around enough with Photoshop and Lightroom to give it a shot. The key was to eliminate the noise in my head and just relax and play with the sliders and filters until I found the combination that worked for me. My motto from here on out is that for me, when it comes to post-processing, there is no single recipe and as my mother used to say about her chicken soup – season to taste.
Closing thoughts
In the weeks ahead, I will be sharing a couple of more images and observations from my trip. I have touched briefly on the importance of Connectivity. I am also going to share a story about Leadership and the impact of a positive perspective.
I want to express my gratitude to new subscribers to my newsletter and blog. It is particularly gratifying to hear from so many of you that I have not connected with in quite some time. I have several virtual coffees set up this month, but there is always room for more.
Call to action
How are you? What is going on? Are you thinking about doing something new or exploring new opportunities? I would love to hear from you and start a conversation. To set up a virtual coffee, please click on the link
Let’s start a conversation.