You aren’t missing anything



You’ve just hung up on a call with a colleague. They have called to tell you that they just accepted a brand new opportunity. That same feeling that came over you last week and last month and the month before that begins to set in.
What am I missing? What am I not doing right? Everyone I know seems to be starting something new. It seems like they are taking a risk, yet they all seem so confident and excited.
What am I missing? What am I not doinYou step back and ask yourself: g right? Everyone I know seems to be starting something new. It seems like they are taking a risk, yet they all seem so confident and excited.
Where is all their clarity and confidence coming from?
You wonder how they all seem to have the balls to make such a big change while you keep telling yourself the same worn-out story or giving yourself the same tired old excuses:
The moment passes, and you settle back into the comfort of the status quo until the next time you get a text, and the cycle begins again. I have a friend that is fond of saying that riding the roller coaster takes a lot out of you but not as much as the boredom of going around and around in circles on the merry-go-round.
Are you ready to hop off the merry-go-round and take a ride on the roller coaster of designing a more energizing and exciting future?
I get it; we all get it, the prospect of change can be intimidating. Navigating risk and uncertainty can be challenging, if not flat-out terrifying.
But that fear, uncertainty, and doubt leave you feeling even more stuck and trapped. So you end up feeling like there’s no other option than to dream small, if at all, and stay where you are.
What if you could actually figure out what you want to do with your career?
And what if you believed it was not some far-off dream, but it’s actually possible for you?
Would you be ready to take a ride on the small roller coaster and gain the confidence to go bigger?
Don’t let fear and doubt hold you back from figuring out what’s truly important to you and then clearing a path to make that dream a reality.
Let’s get to the bottom of why you are unhappy and what is holding you back from taking action.
Book a 30-minute Complimentary Career Reset Session

On the call, I’ll help you to:

If you have come this far, then you know you are ready.
So go ahead and schedule the session.
Sign up for a 30 Minute Assessment!

No pressure. No obligation.

A conversation so you know what to expect!
