“What are you thinking?” Are you asking yourself this question? A “growth mindset” means that perhaps you should be asking yourself not only this question but others as well much more often.
A “Growth Mindset” Means Asking Questions
Here is my suggestion.
Take 15 – 30 minutes to write down your own set of questions this week.
They can be anything you want.
But the one point of guidance would be that you do it during the quietest time of your day, free of disruptions when you can think about your highest priority – YOU.
Let these questions sit for a couple of days.
Set aside an hour to revisit them, again, in a quiet place where you will be free from distraction and be able to do your best thinking.
Distraction-free time is an important part of any type of growth but especially when it comes to your mindset!
Write down your thoughts and ideas, and notice how you are feeling.
If you have taken the time to think about the questions, you likely will feel a little of everything.
It’s Time to Start Thinking Out Loud
I hope you take the time to do this “growth mindset” exercise.
Many of my clients have experienced significant shifts leading to positive changes in their lives as a result of this technique.
Some have pivoted to new careers and new priorities.
Others are actively taking steps to grow their mindset by
- learning new skills
- broadening their networks
- pursuing careers
- pursuing projects that bring joy and renewed energy
I am curious to learn what you are thinking about.
Call to Action
I am offering you the opportunity to spend 45-minutes with me to think out loud. In other words…
to have a “growth mindset”.
To learn more please contact me at or schedule a session please click on the link
I look forward to hearing from you.